S4Y vlogcast

Being too early is as good as being wrong.🤷‍♂️

Process Oriented Thinking & Self Work | Solve For Why VLOGCAST S2 EP 36 HIGHLIGHTS

Do you ever flat AK preflop? Let's see how @GTOWizard would play postflop.

Poker's Biggest Mistakes and Misconceptions | Quick Studies Course 1 Lesson A

POKER MATH FUNDAMENTALS - Stack to Pot Ratio | Quick Studies Course 4 Lesson D

Tom Dwan finally settled his debt, but is the drama really over?

Why do solvers mix their strategies instead of always taking the same action?

The Essence Of Poker Out Loud | Solve For Why VLOGCAST S2 EP 31 HIGHLIGHTS


Are you familiar with how equities are dispersed in multiway scenarios?

Top Mistakes at Low Stakes Poker-- Too Much Limping | Quick Studies Course 2 Lesson A

Discover the optimal way to handle two pair on a four-liner with insights from @GTOWizard

Who's your bet for outperforming the other at this year's WSOP? 🏆

Shocking proposition! What's your play: take the unconventional offer or go all-in for the win? 🏆

Vanessa Kade Quiets the Haters | Solve For Why VLOGCAST S2 EP 34 HIGHLIGHTS

Pokémon Champ Turns Poker Pro | Solve For Why VLOGCAST S2 EP 37 HIGHLIGHTS

Top Mistakes at Low Stakes Poker-- Why Raising Matters | Quick Studies Course 2 Lesson B

Top Mistakes at Low Stakes-- Bet Size Relative to Pot Size | Quick Studies Course 2 Lesson I

Playing Poker Like The Stock Market | Quick Studies Course 1 Lesson B

Modern Game Theory - A How To on Exploitative Play | Quick Studies Course 6 Lesson D

POKER MATH FUNDAMENTALS - WHAT IS EV? | Quick Studies Course 4 Lesson B

Despite holding a powerful blocker on the river, @GTOWizard opts for a check.

PREFLOP MECHANICS - Identifying Ranges | Quick Studies Course 3 Lesson G

Avoid common sizing errors with the help of @GTOWizard . 🃏